Wellness tips from the longevity folks!
We are a health driven culture
The Seventh Day Adventist church was formed in the 1840s, and built a Christian based culture focused on health. We believe and encourage vegetarianism, family values, worship, while discouraging caffeine, alcohol, smoking and soda. The Adventists also managed various water treatment SPA centers, where people came to relax and unwind.
To have a healthy mind & body allows us to clearly understand the plan God has for us. Plus who doesn't want to live longer and age well?
There are 8 natural laws of health. Nutrition (diet); Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust.
In the late 1870s, the focus shifted even more to preventive medicine, incorporating regular exercise and cutting-edge medicine into their lifestyle. Scientific research shows the Adventists generally have a much lower risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease compared to the average American and enjoy a long, healthy life.
Unique Case
What science cannot explain is how Loma Linda is one of the 7 Blue Zones. All other longevity regions are isolated communities, and from easy identifiable gene pool. Easy to comprehend why they achieve such longevity. At Loma Linda, California however, is very unique case. Loma Linda is located in one the most polluted areas in California, miles from one of the most dangerous cities in the country.
Most unique is the extremely mixed gene pool. People from all backgrounds, origins, and ethnic cultures live here. Why? Well, some of us know!
Longevity Highlights
Eat Nuts
A vast body of research spanning just over 50 years shows Adventists have reduced rates of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, including lung, heart disease and diabetes, compared to the average American. Other studies using Adventists linked eating meat to increased risk of heart disease and showed the opposite effect of including nuts in the diet. Further studies linked drinking 5-6 glasses of water to heart health, decreasing the rate of heart attacks.
Nurture Your Mind and Your Body
Getting regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy BMI predict longevity. Long-term inflammation occurs in obese and overweight people. This results in long-term damage and contributes to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Adventists also take time out of their week to relax, rejuvenate and focus on family, friends and God.
Help Others
The Adventist culture prizes volunteering. This practice may help stave off depression and introduce you to like-minded people, positively contributing to your social network.
Lessons from Loma Linda's Seventh Day Adventists
- Find a sanctuary in time to decompress. Strict observance of the Sabbath is strictly occurs from Friday to Saturday night, giving Adventists a weekly time to focus on family, friends, God and nature.
- Keep a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy BMI results helps keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels low. Certain fruits and vegetable also lower the risk of lung, ovarian and prostate cancers.
- Eat nuts! Adventist research shows an eating nuts increases life expectancy by 2 years and lowers the risk of heart disease.
- Get regular exercise. You don’t have to run marathons to be healthy. Adventists walk daily, a habit research links to lowered heart disease and cancer risks.
- Nurture tight social networks. Like Okinawan moais, Adventists get together as groups to spend time together and for potluck socials.
- Volunteer! Volunteering reduces stress and contributes to a sense of purpose, connecting Adventists to a social network of people with similar interests.
- Eat a light dinner. Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day followed by lunch and topped off with a smaller dinner. This has been shown to promote a lower BMI and better sleep.
- The true treasures are in heaven. Don't become overly attached to possessions of this world. These are only temporary material rewards.