Courtesy of
List of Snacks Free of Peanuts, Tree Nuts and Eggs
to Keep These Allergens Out of the Classroom and Your Home
Below is a link to our list of commonly available snacks that we continually update throughout the year. The list is intended as a guide for schools, youth sports leagues, scouting groups, clubs, parties, play dates and other events where snacks may be consumed in the presence of children with allergies to peanuts, tree nuts or eggs.
This list provides an effective tool for thousands of schoolsseeking to enforce their allergen exclusion policies and is relied upon by tens of thousands of parents, teachers and school nurses nationwide.
Before you rely on any snack list or compile your own, understand that it due to flaws in US labeling rules, it is impossible to tell whether a product is safe from the label alone. We spend a great deal of time checking labels, researching products, and contacting manufacturers to keep this guide up to date, and we have recentlyintroduced an initiative whereby we partner with directly with manufacturers to have them provide us with information regarding the exposure of each of their products to 11 allergens during manufacture.
How the Safe Snack Guide is Organized
The Guide is grouped into categories including:
Pretzels |
Rice Snacks |
Peanut Butter Alternatives |
Chocolate |
Popcorn |
Crackers |
Cakes/Muffins |
Candy |
Cheese Snacks |
Corn Chips |
Granola/Trail Mixes |
Flours/Mixes |
Potato Chips |
Cookies |
Nutrition/Cereal Bars |
Frozen Desserts |
Entries may carry a special designation as follows:
- Items with a green check mark (
) insignia are explicitly advertised by their manufacturers as peanut, tree nut and egg-free on their packaging, in promotional literature, on their website, or in writing to us;
- Items with a green triangle (▲) insignia are explicitly advertised as peanut and tree nut free, but contain egg or are manufactured in a facility that processes egg;
- Items listed in boldface have been verified as free of these allergens by direct participation of their respective manufacturers in the Manufacturer Partnership Initiative.
Each copy of the Guide is stamped with 3 dates located at the top of the front page:
- The date the content was last updated;
- The date this copy was downloaded from our site;
- The date this copy expires. After this date you are encouraged to download a fresh copy to ensure that you never rely on information that is out of date.
Part of Your School’s Policy to Prevent Anaphylaxis
Many schools have no policies regarding snacks in the classroom leaving children with food allergies at risk of contact reactions including anaphylaxis. Still others rely on lists that are old, outdated or assume that the consulting the label alone is sufficient to ensure that a food product is safe. We encourage schools to adopt our guide as part of their respective allergen exclusion policies.
We have a number of resources that can be used in conjunction with this guide to help drive school policy:
- Why Your Child Can’t Bring Peanut Butter to School (And What You Can Do About It) – This is a widely distributed open letter to parents which describes the need for allergen bans in a non-confrontational manner. We encourage you to use it as a template for your child’s specific circumstances and ask the school to distribute it to fellow parents;
- A Moms Perspective: A Guide to Registering Your Food Allergic Child for Kindergarten – This is our complete guide to engaging your school on behalf of a child with food allergies. Even if your child is older, this article suggests many policies that should be adopted by schools to help protect children from anaphylaxis.
- Tools for Schools – Everything a teacher, school nurse, principal or PTA organization needs to implement a successful nut-free classroom policy. Resources include website badge, emergency action plan template, nut-free school/classroom signs, etc.
Subscribe for Updates and Product Advisories!
We update this guide frequently and encourage you to subscribe via e-mail to make sure you don’t miss out on important product advisories, new additions or new features. We do not share e-mail addresses with third parties and generally restrict our mailings to 2-3 times per month. Simply use the form at the top right to subscribe.
Even though a great deal of time is invested researching and keeping the Guide up to date, never rely upon it as a sole resource for protecting a child with food allergies. Always read the label before purchasing a product because manufacturers may change their ingredients and processes at any time.
Your use of the Safe Snack Guide means that you have read and understand the disclaimers and warnings on the front page and agree to the Terms of Service. It is always up to the parent or guardian to consult with the manufacturer and make the final determination that a snack is safe for their child!