Sales & Service
Call: (909) 654-6161
(In-Stock Inventory) Order received by 11 AM, and meet minimum of $200.00, will be delivered within in 48 hours, unless product is unavailable.
Must meet minimum of $200.00 order.
Up to 9 Miles (See Zip Code Zones)
Grand Terrace, Bryn Mawr, Calimesa, Highland, Loma Linda, Mentone, Redlands, Yucaipa, San Bernardino, Moreno Valley (see other Delivery Zones bellow)
We will deliver to your office, business dock or home front door, provided a person preset to sign for.
***On checkout:
1)Make a note of your order number and; 2) provide detailed instructions; 3) confirm someone will be available to sign for delivery; 3)day & time someone is available. We will do our best to comply to your request.
On checkout, Please include a daytime phone number in the shipping information;Include other instructions in order NOTES.
Shipping Terms
Target delivery time is 1-4 business days from day of order.
Delivery of goods to the front door.
First floor for residential dwellings and to the first floor of commercial buildings is included in the quoted price.
Signature is required (Pre-Paid or Terms)
Extraordinary delivery requirements may necessitate an additional fee.
Deliveries are Monday through Friday – standard business hours. Larger than 1 pallet quantity orders, may be delivered in separate shipments.
FREE Local Delivery 9 Miles Radius,Orders $200.00 and up: $0.00
(10 to 25 Miles Radius): $35.00 Fuel Cost
Delivery ZONE Charge
(26 to 35 Miles Radius): $45.00 Fuel Cost
Delivery ZONE Charge
Mountain Areas ZONE Charge; $60.00