Entering your business premises is a serious issue for us. ACIMA Drivers entering your facility to stock and service vending machines must be qualified and verified. Our drivers go thru extensive background check verification, prior to joying our organization as well as periodically.
Events in society today indicate caution and security is of the highest priority. We understand your team and staff are the most important asset of your organization, followed by your company's operation, content, and intellectual property.
Our drivers undergo strict vetting procedure. We do what is necessary to provide adequate vending services to your organization.
This is aiming for excellence in service: Details in every aspect to bring our clients the peace of mind.
We serve hospitals and medical facilities, and drivers must obtain vaccination and shots, for their protection as well as of your patrons and guests.
Our detailed service to your organization includes orientation which includes
Discuss your expectations for regarding security
Describe where to park and how to enter the facilities. Parking and Entrances
Chain of Command.
Discuss how to protect and maintain the safety and security of your staff, patients, families and staff
Describe driver's responsibility in maintaining patient/facility information confidentiality and security