We seek to maintain and improve the health and wellness of all our customers by providing healthier snack and beverage choices to the all too readily available junk foods. NAMA’s FitPick® initiative is doing great things for millions of vending machine customers throughout the country.
Providing a product selection that excludes animal products, caffeine, and soda, is a great way to further improve upon the FitPick® choices and one which we are completely supportive of.
Our mission is to provide our customers with tasty qualitative products that meet and EXCEED the FitPick® guidelines of: ≤ 250 calories, ≤ 10 g fat*, ≤ 3 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, ≤ 230 mg of sodium, ≤ 20 g of sugar** (per package)
FitPick™ program benefits in a way that meets the health-conscious demands of end location management, and better engages consumers on “Better for You Snack Choices.”
For Vending machine operators, fitpick is a guideline for products that meet school health guidelines for youth. It promotes wellness by providing lower calorie snacks. Also, it combines snack items with lower sodium, nutritional content as well as grains - A standard we all should subscribe - not just kids.
Our FitPick® and FitPick® Select categories currently have over 120 and 65 product listings respectively.